The Legends Cigar story starts back in the early 2000s with some charity work in the Dominican Republic.

In the early 2000s, John and the other owners of Legend Cigars began collecting new and used sports equipment in the United States and bringing it down to the Dominican Republic to distribute to the local children through various community youth groups.

John and his partners were traveling to the Dominican Republic twice a year to distribute the equipment.

Being a long time cigar lover, and finding himself in some of the best tobacco growing areas in the Dominican Republic, John eventually added visits to a nearby tobacco factory during the downtime on the charity missions.

As John and his partners made friendships in the Dominican Republic tobacco industry, they were offered a chance to invest in a cigar factory. Thus began their foray into the tobacco business.

After several business partnerships, they eventually began their own operation where they were able to develop blends and implement quality control to their exacting specifications.

They are now able to produce the Legend Cigars Collection that we all enjoy today.

The original cigar was a medium-bodied maduro wrapper called simply the ‘Dominican Legend’. It sported the now classic red and gold ring with the picture of the Monument of the Heros proudly displayed in the center of the ring.

This original blend has been refined with a unique mix of Dominican Seco and Olor tobacco to give it a more complex taste. It took several years to develop the blend into its present form. Now that John is satisfied with the blend, we have named this new cigar the ‘John Starks #3 Signature Series’ Cigar. This cigar will remain one of the flagship cigar blends for Legend Cigars.

We also have developed a Corojo blend and are using the original Dominican Legends ring for this cigar. This blend is aptly called the ‘Dominican Legend Corojo’ and is intended for those times when you are looking for a spicy, peppery punch from your smoke.

And finally, for those Legend Cigar smokers that prefer a full-bodied robust cigar, have no fear – we are currently working on a full-bodied blend to bring the Legend Cigar taste and quality to that segment of the cigar smoking public.

While the cigar business has been keeping them busy, John and his partners still make charity trips to the Dominican Republic to distribute school supplies and sporting equipment to the local children.

If you have equipment or school supplies that you are interested in donating, or if you are interested in funding purchases of equipment or school supplies, please contact us and we will make arrangements to get those items into the hands of children in Dominican Republic.