Completing the triumvirate of the Legend Cigar line is the Dominican Corojo Maduro Generally considered a stronger blend—a direct result of its Ecuadorian Corojo Maduro wrapper—the Dominican Legend Corojo Maduro is nonetheless a veritable medium-bodied cigar.
Moreover, despite the powerful reputation of Corojo tobacco, this line is powerful only in taste and robust flavor. Put to the challenge of creating a cigar worthy of “legend” status, while at the same time using a leaf requiring optimum growing conditions and a creator with intricate blending savvy, the minds at Legend Cigars have constructed a masterpiece.
Full flavors of pepper and spices that have come to be synonymous with the Corojo leaf are tempered by an Olor Binder, while a bountiful blend of Piloto Cubano Ligero, Piloto Cubano Seco, Dominican Olor Ligero, Criollo, and ’98 Ligero eliminates any element of harshness, and highlights only extreme, complex flavor. Dominican Legend Corojos come in Robusto, Toro, and the newly introduced Lancero sizes.
Indeed, this line replicates the popularity of its sister lines—as aficionados have gravitated toward the quality craftsmanship and diversity of Legend Corojos with smoking fervor.